Game hunting is extremely popular in the State of Texas, and having property dedicated to hunting excursions is a great way to enjoy time with friends and family, put food on the table, and even earn extra income by way of visiting hunters without property of their own.
From game birds like pheasant, quail, and turkey to trophy whitetail deer, hunting in Texas provides many opportunities throughout the year for bow and gun hunters alike. Different regulatory seasons throughout the year give hunters plenty of variety, and the sheer space of many of these properties ensures that game won’t be exhausted too quickly.
Whether you’re interested in a hunting property for your own leisure, as an emerging business, or simply to expand your real estate portfolio, these listings cover a wide range of prices and sizes so you can find something just right for your interests. Explore the listings below to find your ideal hunting property in terms of acreage, amenities, lodging, and price.
With many options to choose from, from houses and ranches to largely undeveloped, rustic properties, you can find the Texas land you’ve always wanted. Happy hunting!
Tips for Buying Texas Hunting Property
So you’ve decided that you want to own some prime real estate in Texas for the purposes of hunting. You’ve chosen the best state possible: with its expansive vistas and plentiful nature, Texas is a hunter’s dream. But what comes next? Follow these tips to make your purchase as successful as possible.
1. First, consider cost. You’ll have to factor in not only the upfront price of purchase for the land itself, but also the costs of maintaining the land over time. Hunting land is an investment that should never be taken lightly. When the land is properly maintained, it will only increase in value over the years as supply dwindles and demand remains strong.
2. Next, pay close attention to access. Ease of entry into your land is an important factor, determining how much and how often you’ll be able to enjoy it. It’s important to have more than one kind of access, because as the seasons change, the lay of the land will too. Better access means easier maintenance and a better investment in the long term.
3. Resources are a very big factor. This means not only the quality and abundance of wildlife in the property, but any natural elements as well. This includes water sources, terrain, and potential mineral or oil deposits. A history of oil drilling on the property might mean that there are leftover facilities, debris, or even crumbling wells on the property that will have to be taken care of. Make sure that the terrain is manageable and the land contains the appropriate resources for your desired hunting activities.
4. You’ll want to be sure to have a survey done. Foregoing an official survey is an easy way to get yourself in hot water, legally and financially. A proper survey will reveal any boundary disputes and potential for disaster, from nearby grazing farms to issues with neighbors themselves. You’ll want to check for preexisting deer blinds, past trespassing issues in the area, and any other factors that might hinder your stewardship of the land.
5. Finally, you will need to cover all legal concerns before putting your money down. Find out what local zoning laws might affect your needs: you might run into red tape concerning future building, income opportunities, or even access rights in the area.
Your land can be a lifelong investment, and your needs can change with time. If you’re careful and considerate when making your purchase, you’ll reap rewards for years to come instead of facing potential hurdles. Cover all your bases ahead of time for the best experience buying Texas hunting property.