Freestone County Land

Located 90 miles south of Dallas, Freestone County has a population just shy of 20,000. The county was created in 1850, and organized the very next year out of a neighboring county. Freestone County’s fine, sandy loam soil and long growing season has long made it a center for agriculture.

Freestone County was first occupied by the farming Kichai band of the Caddoan Mississippian culture, then settled by Spanish and French missionaries before being opened for colonization in the 1820s.

Although now Freestone is primarily a livestock county with limited row-crop farming, wheat, oats, and hay are grown to support the livestock. In the past, Freestone has had a diverse economy.

Initially, Freestone County’s economy was dependent on agriculture; corn and cotton were the two most important crops. Ranching quickly became another important part of the economy, followed by poultry at the turn of the century.

Agriculture in Freestone County declined beginning in the 1920s, and never fully recovered, instead being replaced by mining in the 1980s.

Oil has also been an integral part of the economy, after being discovered in the county in 1916. Today, the oil industry is still contributing to Freestone’s vibrant economy.

The county is also home two many historical sites including Coutchman, a ghost town and Lake Fairfield, which is home to a lovely state park.

Freestone County’s long growing season, fertile soil, and climate make it an ideal place for farmers and ranchers alike; there’s no shortage of work to be found in this lovely Texas county!